PPJC has held teach-ins and forums, met with Congress, organized vigils and protest rallies, and sent speakers to numerous organizations, churches and schools-beginning before the war and continuing through the disastrous occupation.
In the spring of 1968, National SDS activists led an effort on the campuses called "Ten Days of Resistance" and local chapters held rallies, marches, sit-ins and teach-ins, ending in a one-day strike on April 26.
During the day they held teach-ins, distributed fliers, and explained the purpose of the shantytown to passersby.
At Saint Mary's College of California, held teach-ins to educate students on the Occupy movement and encourage them to get involved.
Students at universities around the country held rallies, marches, teach-ins and vigils today to protest both proposed Federal cuts in education and the Republicans' Contract With America, which they said was responsible.
In December 2009 at UC Berkeley, hundreds of students re-took Wheeler hall for a week to hold open workshops, classes, and teach-ins.
A decision was made to march on local branches of the too-big-to-fail banks, so participants could close their accounts, and others could hold "teach-ins" to discuss the problems created by these unaccountable institutions.
So strong was the antibusiness sentiment for the first Earth Day in 1970 that organizers took no money from corporations and held teach-ins "to challenge corporate and government leaders."
Instead of partaking in their usual routines, participants were instructed to gather at places of worship and to hold teach-ins at their homes in order to meditate on the role and responsibility of blacks in America.
They also held teach-ins and discussion groups wherein they discussed national and women's issues, visited political prisoners, paid homage to revolutionary martyrs, and rallied against the high prices.