The first services were held under a tree on the present site of the church.
They keep neat, diagram-filled notebooks from their medical classes, which are held under a tree.
Every other weekday afternoon, she lashes Vincente to her back with a strip of cloth and hikes to the school, where a two-hour class for adults is held under a tree.
Zaytouna means 'olive tree' - it's said the founder, Hassan Ibn Nooman, conqueror of Byzantine Carthage, used to hold lessons under a tree here.
Held under a tree in an open field, Mungiki suspects were tried there and, if found guilty, were slashed to death and their bodies hanged from the tree.
"We're under trememdous pressure, but we are determined to work around the clock," said Sofiya Rayevskaya, who had been selected as a committee leader in an ad hoc caucus of shareholders held under a tree.
The garbha griha contains an idol of Krishna holding a flute under a tree.
The beating tray is held under a tree or shrub and the foliage is then shaken or beaten with a stick.
Chaplain Brown held service every Sunday under a low tree outside my tent; and we always had a congregation of a few score troopers, lying or sitting round, their strong hard faces turned toward the preacher.
By ancient tradition, Basques, and indeed other peoples in Medieval Europe, held assemblies under a tree, usually an oak, to discuss matters affecting the community.