Among other things, the prisoners have been held long beyond the time allowable under international and Yugoslav law without any contact with judicial officers, lawyers or their families.
Jackson complained that the black community was being held under martial law.
Under the age of 8 years old - a child cannot be held responsible for his or her actions under criminal law.
Currently, the Counselor holds under law a rank equivalent to that of Under Secretary of State.
It cannot be held to antitrust enforcement in other jurisdictions by virtue of the doctrine of state immunity under public international law.
With the ruling made against Burns, the government effectively held Boston under martial law for the afternoon.
These prisoners were mainly held under German criminal law (Green triangle).
While publicly known facts and images of public figures are not generally protected, use of someone's image or personal history has been held actionable under French law.
They held the city under martial law for the duration of the Civil War.
Royal Dutch said in a statement that a special meeting could be held under Dutch law only if 10 percent of its shareholders agreed.