With the dancer John Graham they held workshops under the name of Gentle Dance.
The first race was held on September 25, 1977 under the original name the Mayor Daley Marathon, which drew a field of 4,200 runners.
And you've got to hold it under the name of Max Friedlander, and when I show up, that's how your staff should greet me.
In 1911 they held their first exhibit under the name of The Eight.
From 1950 to 1970 the cup was held under the name "Karl-Heinz-Schulz-Pokal".
Elections are held there under the name of Marlin, Washington, and they are the same locale.
He held a 2009 summer concert tour in Japan under the same name.
Between 1848 and 1872 conventions of Protestant clergy have been held under the same German name.
There are still occasional meetings of the lovers of Welsh poetry and music, held under the ancient name.
In 1977 the championships were held again under the same name at the same place.