Seonjeongjeon Hall - An office for ruling officials, the king held daily meetings with ministers, reported on state affairs and seminars here.
Secretary of State Colin L. Powell has been holding discussions with British and Danish ministers, and American officials expect agreements to be reached.
Ivorian Prime Minister Guillaume Soro held a crisis meeting with ministers and football officials on 30 March to discuss the tragedy.
During the American Civil War, the church held regular services with regular ministers, which was uncommon in Missouri during the war.
There were meetings to be held with presidents and prime ministers.
Durand school has held meetings with ministers about the proposals and agents are researching sites on the outskirts of London previously occupied by private schools that have gone bust.
A European Communities (EC) mission held talks with de Klerk and senior ministers on April 12.
After the War of 1971, they held considerable alliances with ruling presidents, military dictators and prime ministers, all the while refraining from elected public offices.
Medvedev also held bilateral talks with the French and Spanish prime ministers.
Members of the Royal Family hold regular private audiences with senior ministers.