Permit holders must apply for special permission if they wish to travel by automobile, bring in goods or stay overnight in the seam zone.
The holder of this travel document must apply for a Re-entry permit before leaving Thailand.
The holder will sell such property at a public auction or through a private sale, and apply the proceeds to satisfy the underlying obligation.
Ordinary passports are never issued without special permission and all holders must apply for an exit visa in order to leave the country.
Meanwhile, he agreed to let each current holder apply for one of the 200 permits, but said a decision on their status would await a trial on the merits.
At some point during their subsequent occupation, each of the residents was a dealt a "red card" by the City, indicating that the holder had applied for housing with the municipality.
The office is held until the Chancellor appoints another applicant or the holder applies for release from it.
Under the 2009 Act, visa holders instead apply for 'entry permission' using the arrival card.
Foreign students or holders of Secondary School Certificates other than GCSE apply through equivalence certificates.
A holder of the H-1B visa may apply for permanent residency.