IN recent months, holders of the American Express card have seen a change in their billing statements.
The stall holder sees that, and shouts, and her cat daemon leaps, but Tony's sparrow is aloft and Tony himself halfway down the street already.
If the card is registered, the holder can see online the date on which the card expires.
Some holders of older adjustable-rate mortgages are seeing their rates jump to more than 12 percent, while the rates on new fixed loans are hovering around 11.
Too bad the holders couldn't see it.
Only the holder of the crystal sees the vision.
When a market is rising, holders of contracts for future delivery of a commodity see the value of their contract increase.
Lord or holder, saw a dragonrider, no one could be offended.
Leroy Pesch and the other holders of the old common stock will see their position reduced to 7.6 percent - another wipeout.
And holders of Brady bonds issued by Brazil have seen the value of their holdings drop by about 17 percent since the middle of last week.