Its holdings comprise more than 100 languages with 17,000 volumes in Persian, 15,800 in Arabic, and 14,500 in Spanish.
The focus of this supplement are the Azteca, a space-faring race whose holdings comprise what is now known as the Spirit Warrior Empire.
Freed slaves, Thomas and Melinda Benton, acquired enough land so that their holdings comprised 50 percent of the community.
The holdings comprise some four million photographs taken between 1855 and the present day.
The holdings of the Croatian Natural History Museum comprise more than 250,000 specimens distributed among various different collections.
The collective holdings of the main library and various centre libraries comprise over 110,000 volumes, whilst subscriptions to current periodicals number about 300.
At his peak, Barrett-Lennard's holdings comprised 16,000 acres (65 km2) of freehold land with a horse stud and cattle holdings.
The holdings comprise 75,000 items arranged systematically into collections of artistic and mundane objects characteristic of the city and its history.
The holdings comprise 3,750 works of art of various techniques and materials, and different cultures and civilizations.
The largest holding, CPC International, comprises only 2 percent of the fund.