But excluded were the "holiday tree" at the train station and the "holiday wreaths" that festoon the light poles downtown.
And at this time of year, it gets a decorative necklace - a holiday wreath.
They live in a small, cream-colored house with a tidy lawn and a holiday wreath on the door.
Yet here she was one recent afternoon, trying on shoes at Lord & Taylor, beneath holiday wreaths, garlands and pine cones.
One of this year's most popular gifts was a fresh holiday wreath made from Massachusetts fir and decorated with cranberries.
In December, garden club members assemble at one house to construct the town's official holiday wreaths from their own evergreen prunings.
She started her Christmas shopping last month, and had already ordered a holiday wreath from a catalogue, he said.
Another dropped off a holiday wreath to hang on the door.
The annual exhibition of holiday wreaths made of traditional and nontraditional materials opens today and will be on show through Jan. 6.
The gift turned out to be a green holiday wreath.