Such models, guidance and methodologies will enable a holistic understanding of any introduced material.
Scenarios being mooted include companies reducing the time and costs involved in research by trying to gain a more holistic understanding of diseases early on.
The need for a holistic understanding of the context in which the policy is to be implemented.
Without this holistic understanding of life it is difficult for humans to follow the path of happiness, He showed.
The principle of research is based on an integrative, holistic understanding of science.
But he felt that readers would have a more holistic understanding of the complexities of the debate by reading both books.
I probably have a more holistic understanding of design now, and it's very much in the centre of all our business thinking and everything.
Since we are made of cells, this might seem to reduce human beings to "mere machines," conflicting with a holistic understanding of life.
You have a complete, holistic understanding of the bakery in a way that no individual does.
Recently, local and national governments and regional bodies such as the European Union have recognized the need for a holistic understanding of urban planning.