HSS is sometimes mistakenly referenced as hollow structural steel.
The standard dance pole typically consists of a hollow steel or brass pole with a circular cross section, running from floor to ceiling.
The jiggermast, a huge cylinder of hollow steel that perforated the apartment through deck above and floor beneath, was hideously vocal with the storm.
She ran her eyes aloft, spar by spar, past the spars of hollow steel to the wooden royals, which bent in the gusts like bows in some invisible archer's hands.
A hybrid generally features a head very similar to a fairway wood; hollow steel or titanium with a shallow, slightly convex face.
The sound of hollow steel spars being withdrawn through the outside hatches rang within the hull like a tocsin.
The replicas are made of hollow steel and include coin-operated sound effects and smoke from the barrels.
In forestry, a skid cone is a hollow steel or plastic cone placed over the sawn end of a log.
The hollow steel lower masts are investigated as well, and found to be empty.
The upper third is hollow stainless steel.