The toe of her boot pressed against Kinnnus Morcha's hollow temple.
In contrast to the stupas, the hollow gu-style temple is a structure used for meditation, devotional worship of the Buddha and other Buddhist rituals.
The thick black curls that clustered round his high forehead were moist with perspiration, and the same cold unwholesome dew trickled in large drops down his hollow temples.
He saw the sweat of the effort on the hollow temples, and the fists on the edge of the desk.
The hollow temple can still be seen in Pompeii today.
He realized that he was building the kind of life that, when complete, might well be a hollow temple of loneliness.
Walter is a sickly-looking fellow with a hollow temple but he is actually quite healthy.
Leakey's job was made easier by Wordsworth's natural high cheekbones and hollow temples and he also worked closely with cinematographer Walter J. Harvey to ensure the lighting in each shot emphasised Wordsworth's features.
A dark man, with the ridge of the cheek-bone well defined under the slightly hollow temple.
The Gawdawpalin Temple belongs to the style of the hollow gu-style temple.