Archaeocytes (from Greek archaios "beginning" and kytos "hollow vessel") or amoebocytes are amoeboid cells found in sponges.
Typically artistic turnings, usually bowls or hollow vessels, and usually green turned to final dimension.
He was gone, and I, I was a hollow vessel, empty of purpose, the scoured walls of my being forgetful of what they had contained.
It seems to stand alone, a hollow vessel.
Capillaries grow in several stages: they sprout from their parent vessels, grow larger, and form hollow and leak-proof vessels.
This rotational molding process was used to create metal artillery shells and other hollow vessels.
Linden moved like a hollow vessel, unable to hold any impression of the ancient gut-rock.
The music was nearly as much noisy fun as it set out to be, but then again, hollow vessels ring the loudest.
Single-headed drums typically consist of a skin stretched over an enclosed space, or over one of the ends of a hollow vessel.
Once again I must be a hollow vessel.