He was idly patting his holstered weapon, and seemed to know who he was looking for.
As Hoshi passed the guards, her right hand shot out, reaching for the holstered weapon of the warrior on that side.
Bolan kept his pace steady, his empty hands well away from his holstered weapons.
It wasn't until the man turned slightly that Metcalfe noticed the slight bulk at his waist: a holstered weapon.
She knelt beside him, drew the trench coat back and saw the holstered weapon on his hip.
He recovered quickly and reached for a holstered weapon, but he never made it.
Then bracing himself he reached for his holstered weapon with his right hand and pulled it out slowly.
The Fly was one of the few 60's superheroes who carried a holstered weapon.
He had a visored uniform cap on his head and a holstered weapon on his hip.
After detecting the bulge of a holstered weapon beneath the man's coat, Bolan got out.