Many villages had a malt house in the eighteenth century, supplying the needs of local publicans, estates and home brewers.
Keeping the kombucha brew safe and contamination-free is a concern to many home brewers.
Some home brewers use beer bottles, which work perfectly well, and are inexpensive.
This secondary fermentation process is often utilized by more advanced home brewers to enhance flavor.
But home brewers are a picky bunch.
I came across a company that made tap handles for home brewers.
It was when home brewers started showing up that the owners hit on an idea.
A maker of tap handles for home brewers plans to shift production as labor costs in China rise.
Formulas for alcohol similar to this last simple one abound in the brewing literature and are very popular among home brewers.
Its 170 advertisers include breweries, beer distributors, liquor stores and suppliers of equipment for home brewers.