In 2001, Attorney General Condon declared an open season on home invaders.
This man was one of the original home invaders.
He's the only one of the five you shot who was also one of the home invaders.
During a shootout, the home invaders escape.
They also learn that the home invaders' true target was Don's attacker.
"I'm putting home invaders on notice that if an occupant chooses to use deadly force, there will be no prosecution."
The parties ended a few years ago, though, shortly after some home invaders bound her up and demanded money.
That ni)a, the home invader, he sees her with the man, she's a witness.
In 1998, at age 82, he was shot to death with a shotgun during a robbery, defending Edna from a home invader.
Another day it's a great-grandfather who grappled with a home invader who had a knife.