Unlike the running types, the clump types are not very invasive allowing them for a place in the home landscape.
The diminutive editions or dwarfs rarely outgrow their spaces and are winning places in home landscapes.
Is there room in the average home landscape for anything else?
The gardens suggest interesting plants and innovative designs at a scale suitable for the home landscape.
Since it is easily pruned, it can be kept to size for the home landscape.
These are big shrubs, however, and if considered for the home landscape, must be given plenty of room.
Some of them, with their friendly green extending though an otherwise bleak landscape, might be candidates for residence in the home landscape.
At maturity, it is only 15 to 20 feet high so it fits nicely in the home landscape without being overwhelming.
A key opportunity for participation will be sharing these results and recommendations at local, regional and national levels in your home landscape.
But many professionals in the home landscape and nursery industry find this an acceptible trade-off.