It is rarely used on home lawns because it must be cared for intensively.
The grass has a distinctive deep blue-green color which makes it popular on golf courses and for private home lawns throughout the southern United States.
Although endophytes were known in the last century, they have only recently been bred into the grasses sold for home lawns.
Most lawn experts agree that side-discharge models with sharp blades do a sufficient job of cutting most large home lawns.
Addition of fertilizers to home lawns in spring, particularly those high in nitrogen, has become a suburban ritual.
Sports fields, sod farms and home lawns and golf courses can all be damaged by this the disease.
As such, if infested in a home lawn, it can become a troublesome weed problem.
They are also a popular grass covers for home lawns.
The average home lawn in New Jersey requires 5,000 square feet of sod and represents an investment of perhaps $2,000.
The disease infects all parts of the plant most commonly on golf course roughs, sports fields, and home lawns.