There are a number of former stately homes located in Glenrothes.
The airport is part of an airport community, with homes located on the airport, and hangars built next to most homes.
There are also several historic homes located in this area.
The case arose when a Minnesota county taxed an Indian's mobile home located on the reservation.
All of the homes located in City Beach are expensive, modern, and contemporary.
An old home located on the southwest corner of that intersection was reportedly once the home of Belle Starr and family.
The house was built as part of a development of a dozen modern-style homes located in a wooded area overlooking Long Island Sound.
There are several residential homes located in Cushing.
Many of the homes located along the park have stables and it is common to see locals walking their horses through the town's tree lined streets.
Many homes located in the river valley were washed into the Sea of Cortez.