Increasing numbers of bankruptcies and home repossessions have worried some economists.
Meanwhile Georgia and Russia could be at war, home repossessions soar, Pakistan looks fragile and the pound has fallen significantly today.
In the report it says that home repossessions have gone up in the last 12 months.
Bankruptcies are running at record levels and home repossessions soon will be.
I read that 50% of home repossessions in the US are because people can't pay their medical bills - Anyone know if thats true?
Voters were still not prepared to trust Labour at the 1992 election, even though the Lawson boom-bust resulted in record bankruptcies and home repossessions.
Not every home repossession is a bad thing.
So is the market poised for a wave of home repossessions?
Polls suggest the rapid recent increase is down to financial hardship caused by worklessness, shrinking wages, and home repossession triggered by the housing market crash.
But we have had the biggest increase in home repossessions in the North-East from 101 in 1990 to 238 in 1991.