And in the magazine Prism, from Evangelicals for Social Action, "The Simpsons" was called "the most pro-family, God-preoccupied, home-based program on television."
Son-Rise is a home-based program that emphasizes on implementing a color- and sensory-free playroom.
Before implementing the home-based program, an institute trains the parents how to accept their child without judgment through a series of dialogue sessions.
But home-based programs are also scattered throughout some cities.
"In home-based programs, the focus is really on the family and actually on the parent, in helping the parent become the primary educator of that child," he said.
"There is no question that these preschool, home-based programs will grow."
In the example of the home-based program in Uganda, we have seen that these challenges can be overcome.
Upon investigating programs in neighboring counties, I found they all offered center- and home-based programs for babies once they leave the hospital.
Now Craig, a former overweight mom, is broadening her client base with Jenny Direct, a home-based program with telephone counselors, food delivery, and an interactive Web site.
The pilots will bring people from different backgrounds together in a residential and home-based programme of activity.