The First Lady took a home-run swing at the questioner's softball.
After struggling in his first year in the minor leagues, his home-run swing eventually offset the strikeouts.
As he scrambled for his feet Bobby uncoiled a home-run swing and drove the bat squarely across Harry's buttocks.
Because in the 90-year history of the World Series, they alone were able to stamp finis on a Series with a home-run swing.
Huskey had surgery on that same shoulder last November after injuring it on a home-run swing in the Arizona Fall League.
Bolan picked up the ax and took a home-run swing at the stovepipe, aiming at the base where it connected to the stove.
But they do have a kind of secret weapon, and it's aimed at increasing everybody's home-run swing.
Delgado has become identified in New York, not only by his looping home-run swing, but by his incessant scribbling after at-bats.
I had put home-run swings on my first three at-bats, and they were all poor, weak popups.
Bream, a free agent after the season, has moved to the Atlanta Braves, whose stadium should be ideally suited to his left-handed home-run swing.