According to Jacqueline Tencza, a spokesman for the state's Department of Human Services, New Jersey allocated some $4.3 million for homeless assistance last year.
HUD also administers public housing and homeless assistance.
In the Division of Human Services, about $7 million is earmarked for food and shelter for families that are not not receiving other homeless assistance.
In fact, Mayor James took second place, which brought $1,500 for homeless assistance.
Visitors to the web portal can find information about Veterans' benefits, including disability and pension benefits, VA health care and educational opportunities, homeless assistance and employment resources.
If we were to continue to finance $60 million in homeless assistance for New York City, we needed to safeguard the process.
But it did not came up for a floor vote because the Legislature was so deeply involved in other, larger programs for homeless assistance and welfare reform, Ms. Jacobs said.
"Just because you say your family told you to move out, that does not entitle you to homeless assistance," Mr. Crotty said.
The foundation supports HIV/AIDS prevention and education, access to the arts, homeless assistance, disaster relief, and community outreach.
He said that the budget for homeless assistance was a good example, because "nobody could have predicted that."