That is largely because of a homeless program run by the district, which provides a nearby shelter, job training and temporary housing.
The Bush administration has announced a $1.27 billion array of grants devoted to homeless programs nationwide.
She said the partnership should be removed from any direct role in homeless programs, which he did not propose.
The new budget was the first in which financing for homeless programs had reached $1 billion since 1995.
In his first budget, President Clinton increased the financing for the five primary homeless programs by 50 percent, raising it to $837 million.
He then began drifting between the streets and homeless programs.
Every homeless program in the country would be adversely affected.
He could sabotage homeless programs nationwide by wrecking his own.
Some called the homeless program "a brand new welfare bureaucracy."
It accused the department of spending only $2 million for the homeless program over the last three years, although $9 million was available.