The flowers were a nice homely touch and the stew in a large pot on his single electric burner smelt wonderful.
This is a typical port-wine producing quinta, perfectly positioned above a small river, imbued with a homely yet stylish decorative touch.
Even here there are few homely touches: a selection of books, some navigational, a few inspirational, and on the bulkhead a map projection of the world.
Also you can find small food stalls managed by local womens near the bus stop which serves fish and sea food with a homely touch.
The window-seats in the bays were covered in faded damask, the fabric adding a comfortable homely touch to an otherwise austere room.
There was no holy picture on the wall, with its little oil lamp, no homely touch he recognized.
There are just four rooms, with polished-wood furniture, crisp white bedding, mosaic floors and homely touches such as family photographs.
And now she thought, this perfect house she'd built in Venice, with all the homely touches from the Midwest: was this a nest for Clark?
It needed something like the shrewd and homely touch of Aristotle to turn it again into a religion of common sense.
Create a homely touch with soft floral prints, country furniture and accessories.