The Waldos all showed up in a bunch, with plastic brown liter bottles filled with murky homemade beer and a giant bag of skunk-weed.
On this night, she has candles in the earth, a gourd full of homemade beer and a straw basket full of corn kernels, all offerings to the spirits.
Mr. Weinstock showed up not with flowers but with homemade beer, which made her laugh.
The two veterans have easy access to the drugs, homemade beer and grain alcohol that is sold on the beach.
The last bout of drinking the local, homemade beer left a green taste in his mouth and Casca finally pleaded for mercy.
Gloomily, Groves sipped more homemade beer.
To make ends meet, she sold homemade beer to Prohibition violators.
The only alcohol they drank was homemade beer, a malt-fed brew that bubbled in old pots.
Other past hobbies include making homemade beer.
Emptins was a liquid yeast skimmed from homemade beer or made from barley malt or potatoes.