Bickel satisfied himself the ship was functioning as well as it could without the homeostatic control of an OMC.
It is involved in the homeostatic control of body water, sodium, potassium and fat (adipose tissue).
In order to maintain balance, homeostatic controls exist to regulate the overall activity of neural circuits specifically by regulating the destabilizing effects of developmental and learning processes that result in changes of synaptic strength.
It provides an hypothesis of homeostatic control of population density in animals at an optimum level, with a primary and universal function of sociality.
Such homeostatic control is separate from the sensation of temperature.
They give rise to a variety of cells, are capable of self-renewal and homeostatic control.
Nutrigenomics is a discovery science which aims at understanding how nutrition influences metabolic pathways and homeostatic control and how this regulation is disturbed in the early phase of a diet-related disease.
By regulating copper release, the liver exerts homeostatic control over extrahepatic copper.
They were found to bind to cellular α5β1 integrins, which mediated adherence and impaired the homeostatic controls of host cells.
It was an extension of what they had done in the old days: solve some initial problems in materials, design, and homeostatic control, and one's powers grew very considerable indeed.