They spent their homeroom periods and snack times at school meticulously counting the pennies into groups of paper rolls of 50 each, eventually rolling more than 50,000 of them.
"We've got to be ready for that and we are," with counselors throughout the building and an extended homeroom period to help the students adjust better.
The Falcon Report began broadcasting on November 22, 2002 as a 7-10 minute student-made weekly TV news report shown school-wide on Fridays at 9:13 during homeroom period.
Mrs. Lee held James in her arms the day school resumed after Sept. 11 - with extended homeroom periods for organized discussion and a Mass for the dead - and told him her heart was broken.
The student-run network provides announcements and information during homeroom periods, before Channel One News.
I found the room where I would be teaching General Biology I and II, and made it through the homeroom period by taking attendance and appearing preoccupied.
I met her here during the homeroom period.
Our day begins at 8 with a brief homeroom period.
The free period first started as recess, where in middle school it basically changed into a homeroom period.
Preceding 1st period is a homeroom period, where students receive news and announcements.