In New Jersey, homicides related to domestic violence declined by 44 percent, to 36 homicides, in 1987, from 1986.
Even as public outcry over violent crime grew, reported homicides in New York City declined slightly in 1993, continuing a trend, police officials said yesterday.
Even the streets are safer, the Newark Police Department says, noting that homicides, robberies and burglaries have declined by more than 50 percent since 1995.
Gun-related homicides have declined by 33 percent since 1993, including a 35-percent drop in handgun homicides.
Gun homicides by juveniles have nearly tripled since 1983, while homicides involving other weapons have actually declined.
Officially registered homicides in Colombia reached a historic record of 28,837 in 2002, but declined by 20 percent in 2003 to 23,013.
At the same time, homicide from other weapons declined.
But men are catching up, probably because homicides and AIDS deaths have declined sharply.
From 2010 and 2011, homicides have declined as with crime in general, but there remains a high crime rate in the poorest communities.
In 1999, homicides declined another 21%.