Data include homicides involving multiple victims and offenders, circumstances surrounding the death, justifiable homicides, law enforcement officers killed, homicides cleared, and homicide trends by city size and weapon use.
The homicides involved a robbery, a quarrel between roommates, a hit-and-run accident and drug-related disputes, the police said.
The police said the other homicides involved the following victims: Karla Storer, 28, whose nearly nude body was picked up from a Dumpster at the Trumbull Shopping Park in July.
Similarly, although many homicides also involve an offence against the person, they are usually categorised under the more serious category.
Up to 4 Years in Prison Criminally negligent homicide involves the failure to perceive a risk that causes the death of another person, and carries a maximum sentence of four years in prison.
Yet his experience confirms in part the police thesis that homicides typically involve criminals killing criminals.
"You really don't get many tips on these crimes," she added, noting that homicides usually involve a connection between victim and assailant, and that robbers can often be traced through the property they have stolen.
In general, criminally negligent homicide involves actions that prosecutors say should have been perceived by a defendant as posing a significant risk to others.
Negligent homicide, which Mr. Allen said would involve a "substantial lapse of due care," carries a maximum sentence of six months in jail, while obstructing official business carries a maximum penalty of 90 days in jail.
Gunhead said: 'Multiple homicide, hostage-taking in progress, may involve subscriber's minor children.