Behn's work frequently takes homoerotic themes, featuring male to male love and her own sexual interest in women.
Charlotte Brontë's Villette in 1853 initiated a genre of boarding school stories with homoerotic themes.
He is known for his emphasis on Catholic and homoerotic themes.
A Promise of Romance is a light novel with homoerotic themes.
Increasingly, this argument has been complicated by growing use of androgynous and homoerotic themes in marketing.
This subject matter is often associated with potentially homoerotic themes.
Film commentators often remark on the film's perceived homoerotic theme.
Bette's relationship with Valérie is also seen as an important exploration of homoerotic themes.
In it, she examined texts by Shakespeare, Tennyson and George Eliot, among others, for buried homoerotic themes.
It has homoerotic themes and dances who are nude except for body paint.