South Korea is one of the most ethnically homogeneous countries in the world, and it is difficult for outsiders to be fully accepted.
Even though Poland is rather an ethnically homogeneous country, the number of foreigners is growing every year.
Portugal is a fairly linguistically and religiously homogeneous country.
Regional Diversity The explosion of many nationalisms has reminded the world that this is not a homogeneous country.
Armenia continues to be one of the most ethnically homogeneous countries in Europe.
You see, everyone here thinks that Japan is a homogeneous country; that everyone is all the same.
Even in more homogeneous countries, the challenges are immense, in part because economics and security are often intertwined.
Everybody says the Canadian system is a model, but Canada is a very small, much more homogeneous country than we are.
Portugal has been since then an ethnic homogeneous country with very small populations belonging to different races and cultures.
The aim of targeting the civilian population was to carve ethnically homogeneous countries.