The Koreans are a homogeneous nation who inherited the same blood and culture consistently down through history'.
These two examples say much about the manner in which Turkey has sought to define itself as a homogeneous nation since 1923.
We were a more ethnically homogeneous nation, but one in which class and other social distinctions were much more rigid.
South Korea is among the world's most ethnically homogeneous nations.
We reject the notion that we are a homogeneous nation.
Korea was the most racially homogeneous nation in Asia, and yearned to believe that it was self-sufficient.
Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia have never been homogeneous nations at all; rather, they are combinations of distinct groups trying to share the same country.
While China is often regarded abroad as a homogeneous nation, some 8 percent of the population is made up of members of 55 minorities.
The election showed that the great majority of Germans accept that theirs is not a homogeneous nation.
The desire for federation seems to defy the world trend toward smaller and more homogeneous nations.