Among them are a homogenous population, a strong Roman Catholic faith and a long history of rebellion against foreign rule.
He said most recycling was done in the suburbs or small cities with homogenous populations of homeowners.
The policy resulted in a largely racially homogenous population by the mid-20th century.
Currow has a largely homogenous population with most of Irish descent.
It was designed as an "island" for a selected homogenous population, where all members would share the same "ideological-social background."
Further, the observations were made in a highly homogenous population raising concerns regarding the generalizability of the findings.
After this discovery it became clear that all three cell types in the nervous system resulted from a homogenous population of stem cells.
"Somehow television seems to make the population homogenous," she said.
This is not a homogenous population, nor is it completely under his authoritarian rule.
And in relatively homogenous populations, like in some Westchester schools, competition runs high.