Bowers was suspended for the remainder of the season as a result of homophobic remarks made during a game on July 31, 2010.
However, in March 2003, just two months before polling day, Jenkins was reported to have made homophobic remarks on an internet forum.
He is famous for his homophobic remarks.
In February 2004, he made homophobic remarks for which he apologized after public outrage.
If a student makes a homophobic remark in the classroom, 95 percent of the time, teachers don't intervene.
Forkner later recalled that he did not hear clearly homophobic remarks, but believed the attackers may have been yelling in a foreign language.
"I've heard my last homophobic remark in silence," was the headline.
Trouble is, Shockey's history of reckless rhetoric and homophobic remarks puts him under suspicion.
Before the ceremony, Fish overhears homophobic remarks by a fellow police officer and he 'snaps'.
There are a couple of stupidly homophobic remarks.