He was later discovered having a homosexual affair and arrested and sentenced to prison.
Q. Is it harder to deal with a spouse who has a homosexual affair than a heterosexual one?
He himself was accused of engaging in homosexual affairs with young men, prostitutes, and other priests.
Lelong was known for his homosexual affairs, but he offered her money and security.
How then could it be further humiliated by the proof that one of its leaders was himself involved in homosexual affairs?
Although both had homosexual affairs, they lived together devotedly until her death.
Crowther also was bothered by the use of the "homosexual affair."
Last fall, shortly after their 20th wedding anniversary, her husband admitted that he had started to have homosexual affairs.
He also wrote much poetry inspired by his homosexual affairs.
This does not mean as some modern writers have assumed - that Richard and Philip were having a homosexual affair.