Sexuality is not an either/or affair but a range between exclusive heterosexuality and exclusively homosexual impulse.
For most of his life, he tried desperately to suppress his homosexual impulses, seeing them at odds with the domestic stability he so prized.
That's not to say that particular subculture is necessarily based on homosexual impulses.
Cassi remembered reading that both borderline personalities and narcissists wanted to protect themselves from homosexual impulses.
As an attempt at defense against an unduly strong homosexual impulse it may, in a man, be described in the formula, "Indeed I do not love him, she loves him!"
And what did Freud say was the root of this homosexual impulse?
"If that's the case, it's a normal form of sexuality, and that threatens people with their own fear of homosexual impulses in themselves," Dr. Wolson said.
They're like gaybashers who are in flight from their own homosexual impulses.
Adding those who have learned to control their homosexual impulses, he wrote, "I am batting about .666, with about 1,000 'at-bats.' "