Any honest observer must ask a fundamental question: What if the software business is a natural monopoly?
But any honest observer must ask the question: Is the market structured so that one company is likely to have a huge market share?
Forest are showing zero signs they will to any honest observer.
He is the acute and honest observer of an America that included demeaning minstrel shows and uplifting music of the people.
Rather than being philosophers like Montesquieu, the English essayist could be an honest observer and his reader's peer.
Yet, of course, infantile sexuality is a reality, as no honest observer of children can deny.
"Assume, sir, that I am an honest observer."
Couldn't an honest, nonpartisan observer who cares about his own news organization come to that conclusion?
One would have liked to see even more commentary on this critical topic from so honest and thoughtful an observer.
No honest observer can conclude otherwise.