She decided, she said, to honor her husband by embracing life.
She hadn't worn it since her wedding day, when she had vowed to honor and cherish her human husband.
Did you not promise to honor and obey your husband?
Basil also honored Maria's husband with the title of patrician.
She appeared at a dinner honoring her husband on Jan. 14 but did not speak.
Susan tells him no as she wants to honor her deceased husband and become a nun for the rest of her life.
Ms. Brown, who has two grown sons, said she chose her dissertation subject as a way to grieve for and honor her husband.
You honor my husband and myself by gracing us with your presence, General.
He honored my husband by betrothing one of his granddaughters to my son.
To honor her husband, Eric R. Pleskow, she sent $10,000.