In fact, McKinley once suggested that a monument be erected on that very site to honor soldiers and sailors from Stark County killed in American wars.
The ceremonies date to a parade of Civil War veterans in 1902, the year the monument honoring Union soldiers and sailors was completed.
Prospect Park also has many formal attractions, starting with its grand main entrance: the 72-foot-tall Memorial Arch in Grand Army Plaza with its bronze sculptures honoring the soldiers and sailors of the Union forces in the Civil War.
Mr. Mensinger, who is 69 years old, said in an interview that his planned observance of Pearl Harbor was not aimed at arousing anti-Japanese feelings in the area, but was intended only as a way of honoring the American soldiers and sailors killed in the attack 50 years ago.
A wooden boardwalk went from the top of the stairs to a shelter where a caretaker lives year round, on to a small chapel and then a lighthouse and finally across a narrow part of the island to a statue of an albatross built to honor lost sailors and bless living ones.
On 5 September 1927, Arkansas was present for ceremonies unveiling a memorial tablet honoring the French soldiers and sailors who died during the Yorktown campaign in 1781.
The celebration would honor the soldiers, sailors, air crews and marines who served in Iraq and Afghanistan, and it would be held in Washington, with the $20 million to cover the costs of military participation.
The United States Postal Service issued a commemorative stamp pane on February 4, 2010, honoring distinguished sailors.
Monuments placed at locations other than battlefieldd parks during the years 1863 to 1919 normally honored soldiers and sailors from the same town, county, or state where the monument was erected.
Similar monuments were erected by patriotic organizations after the Civil War to honor local soldiers and sailors who were buried where they fell in battle.