Like his brothers, he was an honor-roll student, as well as a good athlete.
Eric Rud, an honor-roll student except in math, was one of those students mislabeled as having failed.
Due to clean record and high academic achievements (honor-roll student, president of Latin Club at the seminary), judge offered to drop charges if he would join the military.
He is an honor-roll student, widely liked by his classmates.
Taz, an honor-roll student, makes sure the worms' shredded newspaper bedding stays moist enough.
Debbie Timmons, her mother, said Michelle was an honor-roll student who was taking advanced placement classes and hoped to study law.
School officials said James was an honor-roll student.
Parker, who was also a high honor-roll student all four years in high school, laughed.
Her 13-year-old son, an honor-roll student, started bringing home C's and D's.
There's Suzanne, an honor-roll student determined to become a cheerleader although she concedes she is quite a few pounds over the cheerleader image.