To such objections he had a rigid answer: 'When you start on an honorable course, pursue it to the end.
Because I took responsibility for you, which was the only honorable course open to me!
It seems a proper and honorable course of action.
He cannot be a part of that process, so the only honorable and politically sensible course is to remove him from his office.
The one honorable course that he could take was to find an excuse for withdrawing from his engagement.
Very risky to the relationship, that, but the only honorable course to take in order to be fair to the lady.
And he didn't want to be talked out of the only honorable course he had left.
So I say our only honorable course is to support her to the hilt.
There is no other honorable course for you to take.
He was a warrior and had no other moral or honorable course.