Authors, in fact, do have an honorable history of being generous when they can afford to be.
"Anti-intellectualism has an honorable history in American journalism," he said.
We have, however, two children and almost ten years of honorable and faithful history, and I've been trying to respect that.
There is an honorable history to the idea of small spaces.
Pennies have served a long and honorable history in our country, but now they cost more to make than they are worth.
We have a long and honorable history together, and now, at last, we're in a position to show the world the truth of Islam.
Lobbying has a long and largely honorable history.
Long hair, it was recalled, had an honorable history.
The hospital had a long and honorable history, and had been built to allow for local conditions.
Student activism has a long and honorable history in Korea.