He testified that during his occupation of the town, Peiper had at all times behaved in a professional and honorable manner.
The term itself translates literally to something like "honorable manner for indoors".
"Well, of course there are bound to be some soldiers who may behave in a less than honorable manner, but I'm sure their officers keep them in line."
--Served in an honorable manner for at least 13 years.
But we shouldn't let ourselves be fooled that an immoral mission and immoral war could ever be conducted in an honorable manner.
If a samurai's enemy lost his sword, the samurai gave him his extra one so that the fight might continue in a manner honorable and fair.
Conducting a case in what one views as an honorable manner, when the terms themselves are dishonorable, is not going to transform the terms.
You are a guest of Fonteyn House and will conduct yourself in a gentle and honorable manner.
Despite open hostilities and extenuating circumstances, you comported yourself in an honorable manner and did not kill arbitrarily.