I'm an honorary consultant at Jerome's, so I'm frequently over here.
He served as an honorary consultant for the Winnipeg General Hospital, incorporated in 1882.
From 1986 to 1990 Döhler was an honorary consultant to the St John's Ambulance in Schleswig-Holstein.
Yam is an honorary consultant of the People's Bank of China.
David Coleman, Professor of Demography at Oxford University, is an honorary consultant.
He was also an honorary consultant in psychiatry at the Littlemore Hospital, Oxford.
He was appointed as reader in Aligarh Muslim University, later becoming professor of Urdu Language and then honorary consultant of the department.
He served as an honorary consultant to the Malaysian Government on numerous engineering problems and projects.
He continued to act as an honorary consultant to the Department of Mines in Adelaide until his death.
He is also honorary consultant for Euro-Link Age.