Sheikh is sheikh is an Arabic honorific term that literally means Elder.
In both situations the children use honorific terms of address, saying "Teacher Gina" or "Teacher Lai Fong."
In the anime Macross, first aired in 1982, the term was used by Lynn Minmay as an honorific term.
He spoke sharply, knowing that nowadays the Vizier only used the honorific term when broaching matters of importance--in his own eyes at least.
They are also called Babas, an honorific term that was used by Malaysians to refer to the Chinese who settled along the strait starting nearly 600 years ago.
Not only were there male and female versions which were wholly unlike, but there were honorific terms as in Japanese, which could have been pitfalls.
Tang has been used as an honorific term in place of guk.
My title of Commander aboard this ship is merely an honorific term conferred on me while I am on board.
In Burmese Buddhism, several honorific terms exist for Buddhist monks, reflecting their achievements and number of Vassa spent.
It might also be used by the submissive partner as an honorific term in a D/s relationship.