Instead, you should honour your work with the type of lovely frame that it deserves.
Today many Mackillop based schools honour her work.
The genus name Simsia was published by Robert Brown to honour his work.
It is now designated as a museum to honour his work.
To honour their work, the Quindanning Anglican church was named after their patron when it was consecrated in 1956.
As she concludes, their eyes meet, and Tom joins the rest of the company in honouring Jane and her work with applause.
The George Washington Carver Memorial Institute has honoured his work to help make better relationships between people of different races.
To honour his work a small street in Vienna was named after him.
As the shadow rapporteur for my group, I have seen her diligence throughout these proceedings and we all wish to honour her work.
In 2006 a festschrift was published to honour her and her work.