One of the boys, his hook baited with small bits of conch meat, fished near the bottom among the heavy, green weed in the clear water.
Warmed by a kerosene heater, we sat facing each other, jigging our tiny hooks, baited with bits of smelt, 30 or 40 feet down.
He soon spotted a seven-foot alligator, lured from the muddy embankment, gnawing on a hook baited with putrid meat.
Instead, he hung four big hooks baited with rotten pork, in an effort to capture the alligator.
Attached to the main line are many shorter branch lines terminating in hooks baited with chunks of fish or squid.
The reason is obvious: A trout that has taken a hook baited with a worm or minnow deep into its gut stands little chance of survival when released.
I did not let her set the hook, sweetly baited as it was.
I use a few inexpensive tip-ups with light monofilament line and small hooks baited with local shiners.
The camera looked downward at hooks baited with small squid and took pictures every 30 seconds.
I threw out a hook baited with just the right mix of skepticism and deference: "Sarasti did know where those scramblers would be.