Suddenly there was a deafening hooting sound, followed by an overwhelming noise which shook the earth and the air.
There was a hooting sound from the forest, and then it got picked up by what sounded like three hundred owls, all in a circle.
As Brace bandaged the man, he was aware of a strange hooting sound behind him.
The bum threw his head back and a weird hooting sound came from his cracked lips.
Patrick made a hooting sound and they both looked.
The young man made a soft, interrogative hooting sound.
There was a sudden loud, continuous hooting sound that made Niall jump.
The boy made a hooting sound and ran off along the beach, holding the guitar high over his head like a sacrificial offering.
A mournful hooting sound drifted across the water.
From far off in the forest came an odd hooting sound.