And the fragile hope resides in the tenants' association begun by Mr. Reuter five months ago.
Mr. Thomas's main hope for the town now resides with a quixotic plan to build a plant that would slaughter and process goats.
Regret began filling the hollow where the hope once resided in Fletcher and other Rams.
CNN's hope for making a mark among news fans resides in the Sunday night program.
All hope of the British army now resided in the expected arrival of reinforcements from North America.
The best hope for education in America does not reside in increased Government regulation of broadcasting.
His gaze stayed fixed on one particular mountain range, where all his hopes resided.
Any hope for change in Czechoslovakia resides with the charter movement rather than in outside influences coming from either the East or the West.
With them resides our only genuine hope of frustrating this cancerous growth.
The hope of the hopeless resides in a quest.